Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bouldah Shouldahs: A Newfound Love

Prepare yourselves for the geekiest fitness talk from an over-enthused gym lover, 'cuz this topic is a big one: SHOULDER DAY (I always feel like I'm opening for Girl Code when I write like that..). Anywho...
You're probably thinking "alright Lynds, you're going crazy girl. Shoulders? Who cares?" because that's exactly what I was thinking when I started my research on shoulder training. When most people in our society think of working out or strength training, the typical image that floats into our minds is a huge man flexing through a bicep curl. 
Classic Arnold. 
I mean, really: think about it. Most women, at least, picture men with huge arms or ripped abs. But ladies, come on! What about those shoulders?!
Clearly, shoulders make up for a HUGE portion of aesthetics.
My topic here isn't targetting societal misunderstandings or gorgeous men. My topic is to prove to you why working different parts of your body are essential when it comes to having overall ... sexyness. Bicep curls and bench press are NOT going to make you look like either of the photos above, which I feel is a common misunderstanding for those who aren't so much involved in the fitness world (and that's completely fine!). I much too often run into people who just have an arm and a leg day. No chest. No back. No shoulders. COME ON. Maintaining a balanced body comes from hard work and dedication - not just sporadic 9pm workout sessions after you just blared Eminem, remembered how many cheese fries you ate last night, or reminsced on your ex. 
That's why I'm here to help: I had to learn this lesson the hard way, as I would see improvements in my arms and legs, but none in my back, chest, shoulders, etc. And why was that? 
Because I wasn't working them!
Soooo, hence the post title: a newfound love of mine is training my shoulders. I feel so powerful. I know it may seem strange right now...I know, because I was at that same point about 2 months ago. Shoulders? Like come on, who cares. 
look how badass this chick is
Please understand that I am in no way trying to dictate what you do/how you do it. I'm simply making suggestions and trying to help you realize why a balanced body is a healthy body. I truly wish someone would have told me this when I started my regime two years ago. 

So ladies & gentlemen...I present to you: Lyndsey's Super Swole Shoulder Workout 

Warm-up: forwards & backwards arm circles

1: Shoulder Press (dumbbells or barbell) *go heavy! WORK.
2: Lateral Raise (dumbbells or cable machine)
3: Explosive Lateral Raise (dumbbells)
4: Front Raise (dumbbells or cable machine)
5: Upright Row (cable machine) 
6: Rear Delts (machine or resistance band)
7: BURNOUT - barbell shoulder press & front raise combo

If you don't know what these exercises are (psh, I sure didn't), definitely Google them to find out the proper form and how to do the movement. We don't want any dislocations! Just for an idea on weight range and sets/reps, I usually do 20's for shoulder press for 3 sets of 12, then go to 25's for as many as I can get. For lateral and front raises, I usually use 15 lb dumbbells. Try the exercise out first, using light weight, and once you're comfortable with your form, work up in weight. These are just some suggestions - there are thousands of more exercises that will help those pretty shoulders!

If you have any questions or comments (I LOVE feedback!), feel free to contact me via any social media to the right. I would love to help!

Until next time...
couldn't leave ya without a selfie 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Survival Guide 101: Holidays.

        Hello, all, and welcome to Lyndsey's Declassified Holiday Survival Guide (just trying to be clever here, guys.) So, it's November 2nd, aka day 3 of recovering from candy-coma. The Milky Ways, the candy corn, the vampire punch...oh, the joys of holiday feasts. It's all fun and games until Monday comes around and you sadly realize that you basically ate your weight in sugar over the weekend. Although they say this is the "best time of the year", fitness freaks claims it's the worst as temptation is at its highest. So - do you eat that spooky pumpkin cupcake or do you stare at it?
You eat it, dummy.

       If there's one thing I can't stand hearing girls say, it's "OMG I can't eat that there's like soooo many carbs in that and I'm on a diet." Yes, I fully understand that this is a mentality and that  living a healthy lifestyle is perfectly fine. However, I am opposed to the girls (or guys, too) that discourage eachother from eating or drinking certain things. Ladies & gents, listen up: that 3 Musketeers fun size candy won't make you gain 30 lbs overnight. That piece of cheesecake post-Thanksgiving feast won't turn you into a blob of fat. That hot apple cider? Guess what - it won't kill you. Many people don't realize that 1 huge meal or 2 days of "unhealthy eating" will not make you a 300 lb sumo wrestler. So here's where the idea of a flexible lifestyle comes into play.

         Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas; whatever it is that you like to celebrate, you should enjoy celebrating. Forcing yourself to resist that fudgy chocolate cake while all of your other family members stuff their faces will, I promise you, be absolute torture hell. It's all about moderation. Yes, if you were to eat swiss rolls and ice cream everyday you probably gain weight. But that's the point of a holiday; it only comes once a year, So you should definitely have that snickerdoodle cookie. You will burn off those 300 calories just by the snooze you'll take that evening. The resentment you suffer through will do more harm to you than those 5g of fat. Trust me.

        So what's my take on this? Eat. Please. For the sake of all of us, eat your heart out. There was once a time, about a year ago, where I restricted myself in all aspects of food. Oh, we had donuts in class one day? Those donuts were poison to me. It's my best friends birthday? Cake was out of my picture. And do you know what happened to me? I became very sad. My mind and my tummy became weak. Yeah, sure, chicken and vegetables are good, but every once in a while, we need a little something to keep us going. Holidays are a time to enjoy life and be with family and friends. You shouldn't be burdened with caloric intake during these lovely times. As long as you don't gorge in 5 pies and 16 cookies, I promise that you won't turn in to Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory overnight. Yeah, ok, you may gain like .3 of a lb. But do you know how easily that will come off? Spend a weekend enjoying yourself, and then get back to keeping yourself healthy the following week. We all need a little break. You deserve it.
perhaps i'm a bit too excited for these sights...

It's a lifestyle, not a diet. Live like it.

Until next time...

Monday, October 27, 2014

Thunder Thighs: Fame vs. Shame *Includes Workout Routine

Hello my lovlies. Let me just start off by saying that if you're a guy and you're reading this, prepare to either be really shocked by everything I'm about to say. In case anyone hasn't noticed, I am not you're typical girl; and, in this context, I am not a supporter of the trendy "thigh gap". Powerful legs are HOT, ladies. So prepare yourselves - leg day, here we come.

When I first started my fitness routine a couple years back, I was the typical girl and I did the circuit machines for legs every other day. Thinking that I would have slim, toned legs, I just stuck with doing some leg extensions and donkey kicks in order to have "good legs". LOL. No. If that's you, which is very common so don't be ashamed (I've been there..), please do yourself a favor and hear me out on this topic, even if you disagree with my opinion. It saddens me to see all of these girls just doing the same lower body workout everyday, afraid of getting "bulky" legs. Get this - there is no such thing as "bulky legs" in the mind of fitness junkies. Bulky is STRONG. "Toned" legs? What is toned?! The photo-shopped legs of Kate Hudson on the cover of some magazine? The word tone needs to die. The fact that women are too afraid to use the word "muscular" to describe their goals is so depressing. "Toned" is simply a marketing ploy. I recently read a fabulous article on this topic, so click here to see what I'm talking about.
Good, glad you've now reset your goals if they included the word "toned". Now, onto bigger things.

As I've matured and luckily learned to actually have a "leg day", it's honestly my favorite thing in the entire universe. The pulsing after that last deadlift or the jello-y feeling post-squat is what I thrive for every week. Because I only have 1-2 leg days a week, I hit it HARD every time I'm in that gym.
today, tomorrow, and the day after = paralyzed
After seeing progress and definition in my quads, hamstrings, and of course booty, I've become addicted to the gains. No, in my mind, my legs aren't huge sumo-legs. No, they don't weigh 200 pounds each. I am building them up to be strong, explosive, and able to round-house kick any man who tries to steal my purse in the future. My favorite leg-spiration is Brittany Dawn. Take a look.
follow her on instagram & be amazed 
So have I convinced you yet? Simply doing air squats and walking lunges won't get you far, sweetie. 
Here's my typical leg day: it gets switched up, but here are my favorite exercises!

*you want a butt? then squat. and squat heavy. 
Stiff-leg dead lifts with dumbells or barbell 
*target those hamstrings, girlies! be sure to use proper form so you don't hurt your back!
Quad & Hamstring Extensions (usually machines)
Abductors & Adductors (usually machine)

Weighted lunges with JUMP SQUATS *superset!
Explosive leg press *go deep and go heavy 

There are tons more that you can do for sexy legs, but those are just a few of my favorites! As I said, it saddens me to see big thighs being shamed these days. Ladies, big thighs attract guys. So toughen up and get yo booty to the weights. You won't regret it when you start to see the results! Contact me via any social media link to the right for tips or help :)

Stay golden, 

your own homegirl crushin the squat rack 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Stayin' On Track

If you're anything like me, you don't have time to fret about the little things in life, like what you're wearing or what your afternoon snack will be. The one thing I've learned to do in my busy life is plan - EVERYTHING. My Sunday's consist of outfit-picking, meal-planning, nail-painting, and schedule-setting. Without my typical Sunday routines, my life would literally be a mess disaster. In the midst of 2 internships, personal training cert. study, college applications AND school, handling my personal health has been a struggle. That's why I am uber supportive of this topic. As my bestie Renee just said to me in her kitchen, "oh my god, prepping my meals for the week is so relaxing and helpful" : a summary of my feelings at the beginning of every week.
an adorable example of Renee's prep (so cute)
As some of you may have seen (post #1 on planning), I tried meal-prepping a few weeks ago, and lemme tell ya: it is amazingThe amount of time I have saved planning out my meals and snacks for the week is phenomenal. I know exactly what I am going to eat and when I am going to eat it. So, why should you try it? I've gotten a few of my friends on board, and so far, they all love it. All aboard the health-freak nerd train, everyone!
But, what is there to prep or eat? My first couple of weeks were definitely experiments; I found that raw potatoes actually taste like dirt and plain greek yogurt is disgusting. But hey, that's okay, because in finding what doesn't work for me, I've found what DOES. So here are a few ideas...

Egg whites
Lavash bread (protein packed)
Yogurt parfaits
Toast & almond butter
Kashi Granola cereal

Morning Snacks:
Flavored rice cakes
Whole raw almonds
Handful of dark chocolate chips 

Protein - chicken breasts (4oz.), greek yogurt *KEY LIME PIE FOR THE WIN
NOTE: I am no longer a vegetarian! I decided to ease poultry back into my diet for health                   necessities. I still don't eat red meat, however. 
Carbs - whole grain rice, 1/2 baked potato
Veggies - veggie bowl: carrots, celery, mixed vegetables 

Red apple
Quest bar 
Protein shake 

Again, these are only a few of the foods that have been working for me! I'm happy, my belly is happy, and my macros are happy. For 2 years now I have been using My Fitness Pal to keep track of all of my food every day; it is SO handy and useful for when you're constantly on the move. 
a sample of my typical day up through my pre-workout snacks
99% nonfat lean chicken breast 
veggie bowls (carrots, peppers, mixed veggies)
brown rice with chives & lite sea salt 

If you're struggling with staying on track in your busy life, seriously, give this a whirl. What's the harm?
For any questions or tips, please feel free to contact me via social media on the right sidebar! 

Stay golden. 


Monday, October 13, 2014

Lifting: What's the Point?

If there's one trendy motto that I am obsessed with, it's "strong is the new skinny". I've recently seen this quote pop up numerous times, like at my gym or on Pinterest and such. I, as some of you may know, fully support girl empowerment through lifting weights, and I am a firm believer that in this day and age, strong is the new skinny. After my post on girls that lift (click right here if you haven't seen it), I got a lot of questions about good sources to use for workouts and where to begin: why lift? Well, I'll tell ya why.
Ladies (and...gentlemen who read this), pick up some dumbbells, 'cuz this is about to get heavy (so punny).
5 strong women - all of which are beautiful
How? Why? When? Where? These may be questions you're pondering as you skim through this, thinking that you would love to try strength-training but you don't know how to start or you don't think you have time. Well, listen up here, kiddos: YOU HAVE TIME. I am a full-time high school student, I have 2 internships, and a part-time job (even though it happens to be at a gym...), and I still manage to squeeze in my daily workouts, 7 days a week. So stop convincing yourself that you can't, and just hear me out on this. Step 1: Try it.

Step 2: Figure out how you're going to use that time that you just made, thanks to me. Do you have 40 minutes at home to do a workout? Can you go to the gym for a couple hours every night? For me, I've built my schedule to actually include my workouts; this means that if anyone ever needs me, they know they can find me at the gym, Monday-Friday, at any time between 4-6pm, because that's when my workouts are. Once you make this time, realize that 1) you now have dedicated yourself to exercising during that time and 2) you are going to utilize this time with a GOOD workout because YOU deserve it.
There. You've completed step 2.
a photo of my own wonderful home (aka the gym)

Now for the hardest part - how? Where do you start? Why does this even matter? Because, like I've said before, doing hours of cardio will not help you; in fact, it can harm you. If you lose a lot of weight from doing cardio, which is awesome & good for you, you become what we fitness junkie's like to call "skinny fat", meaning that you're slim, but your muscle mass is minimal. Although this is a perfectly fine and healthy body type to have, many people, especially girls, will have body dismorphia and end up thinking they need to be even skinnier, which is the main catalyst for eating disorders. Muscles are hot.

Think about your goals, and make them correspond with your time frame for workouts and what you have access to. For me, all of my workouts happen in the gym (#1 since I work there and #2 since I have been going there for 2+ years), but I know how obnoxiously expensive gyms can be, so if you have to stick with home exercises, that’s perfectly fine. However, my workouts/recommendations for workouts will be gym-oriented, since that’s all I really know!! There are trillions of fantabulous websites and DVD’s that can help you stay in shape, so don’t fret. I’m just staying true to what I know J
prime example of what i'm about to say 
So here’s the main point of this post: much too often, I see kids my age come into the gym and immediately jump right into some bicep curls with 50’s and then after 6 sets of whatever, go onto some 300 pound squats. THIS. This is what hurts me to watch. It’s not only kids my age, either. Many adults don’t even know how to properly plan a workout; they just do whatever they feel like doing that day in the gym, and then wonder why a month later they’re not seeing results. It’s all about consistency. First of all (mainly aimed at boys 16-25), doing bicep curls EVERY single day will not make you Arnold Schwarzenegger. In fact, you’re actually tearing the muscle fibers every time you do that curl, so you need time to recover. This is the same for each muscle in our bodies. To give you some perspective, here’s what my typical week looks like in terms of a “split”, or what body parts I do on which days:

Monday – chest & triceps
Tuesday – back & biceps
Wednesday – shoulders
Thursday – legs/glutes
Friday – off
Saturday – chest & triceps
Sunday – back & biceps
Monday – shoulders
Tuesday – legs/glutes
and so on.

Now, let me just say, it took me at least a month to adjust to this type of schedule. The idea of only working my legs once or twice a week killed me, because I, like most beginners, would work them every other day. I’d have an upper body day and a lower body day, and this is why my body hated me for so long. However, I’ve seen more progress in my body than ever before, and I’ve realized how well this “split” works for me; by isolating these muscle groups so infrequently, I am sore for at least 2 days afterwards, with at least 3 days of rest to recover. BAM. It’s simple. I also love my split because I don’t have to squeeze an entire upper body workout into 2 hours. With this, I am done with strength after an hour!
You want to see results? Then aim for them.
*Disclaimer: I am NOT suggesting that everyone creates a split like this; this is what I have found to work for me, and by research in science, it is very good for muscle recovery and development. I fully support total-body workouts, just a few exercises per muscle group, or whatever may be necessary.
So, once you have created a split or have found how to logically plan your workouts, the last step is to just write everything out. Don’t go into the gym not knowing what you’ll be doing that day. Even if it’s shoulder day, what will you be doing for exercises? Although it’s not necessary to do, it helps me tremendously if I write out everything I’ll be doing that day instead of just winging it in the gym. And NO, I don’t just have all of these exercises in my head; a lot of them stem from previous workouts with trainers, or from my favorite source, BodyBuilding.com : literally lists upon lists of phenomenal exercises for EVERYONE to try. They even give proper form tips, which is especially important for beginners since we don't want to actually look like amateurs, right? ;)
I hope that this answers a few questions that I have received! Like I’ve said, I am no expert on this nor am I certified to say I’m knowledgeable in this area. Everything I’ve learned has come from research and experience of my own. I do plan on creating some workout lists in the near future from some of my best lifting sessions, so you can see some examples. If there’s one thing I encourage you to do, it’s to try. Just give strength training a shot. Muscles are fabulous. Don’t ignore them.

I’ll be back soon.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Meal-Prep Monday!

Today's topic is brought to you by STRESS, FOOD, and TIME. So, welcome back and prepare yourselves (uh oh - already starting out with a pun Lyndsey? you betcha)...

As I have been forced into the wonderful world of what we call "school", I've had virtually no time to just relax, let alone think about my food for the next day (eeeeeeeep!). Don't get me wrong - I've been eating semi-healthy and still pumping iron daily, but my meals certainly could be better. My schedule is school, gym, homework, sleep. Gross, right?

That's why I discovered #mealprepmonday (apparently, a very popular hashtag). Now technically I meal-prepped on Sunday, but, ya know, you do you. I stalked Pinterest boards and Instgram foodies for ideas, hauled my butt to the store (Trader Joe's is my cocaine), and forced myself to plan out every meal for this upcoming week. Overall, I spent about 2 hours doing all of this, which, in my eyes, is completely worth the outcome I will get.

So, why meal prep? How do you meal prep? What's the point?
Well, I'll tell ya the point. Because I prepared all of my foods for this week, I don't have to frantically rush around my school cafeteria when I realize my avacado panini's are all gone, or that my favorite greek yogurt has been discontinued. All of my foods are in containers or baggies, and I know exactly what I will be eating and when. I planned out each food group in order to hit my protein needs each day. Foods are taken from each food group.

This first week is a test for me - I am NO expert on how to do this, nor do I want you guys to follow my plan exactly, since I am only trying it out. Let me just show you some of my splendid ideas...

veggie bowls: peppers, carrots, green beans, mixed vegetables
fruits: grapes & apples & bananas
carbs: potatoes, trail mix, blue corn tortilla chips 
protein: greek yogurt, questies, kashi protein cereal

Now, I am assured that I will be hitting my macros and micros for each day since I have all of my food prepped. These are only lunches - my breakfast is usually a waffle with almond butter or eggs, and my dinners are always protein shakes and a lean cuisine or whatever my mother cooks. All together, this wasn't too expensive or time consuming! All of these products are from Trader Joe's or Hannaford, with the exception of my Quest bars from the Vitamin Shoppe. Speaking of which...
getting new proteins will always excite me
these are taken post-workout (5 days a week)

I encourage you all to try this method. Get out all of your containers and pull out some baggies. What could go wrong? Test it out for a week with me. I plan to update you guys on how it goes sometime in the near future! 

A few of my faves: TJ almond butter, Kashi Go Lean Crisp, Organic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips

Eat up! I'll be back soon, I promise...


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Snack Time Munchies

If any of you are like me, a simple 3 meals per day will certainly not satisfy your bellies. In fact, even certain researchers say that eating 5 meals a day (3 full meals + 2 snacks) is the most beneficial for our bodies.

But here's the problem - snack foods. When I was a kid, I used to think of "snacks" as being Lay's Potato Chips with a packet of Welch's Fruit Snacks and a snack size pack of Oreo's. Little did I realize how much these simple "snacks" were destroying my body; snacks are meant to be a mid-morning or mid-afternoon pick me up - they are not meant to make you feel as if you just ate a whole meal off of the buffet at Golden Corral. Snacks are really just meant to tie you over until that next meal.
Now, wait one second. I am certainly not trying to tell anyone how to eat or what to eat here. This is just a life-lesson that I have learned the hard way, as I didn't listen to what my mother would tell me and I thought my food choices were fine. They weren't. My posts are only for those who went/are going through the same situations, for I want to give my perspective on these types of things. Trust me - I know we all get those midnight cravings for Ben & Jerry's or a box of Cheez-It's; and even if you do indulge yourself in that, there's no shame. We all have slip-ups. We're all human (unless you're Scott from Teen Wolf...).

So, what is a snack in my eyes? When I first started transitioning into my new "healthy lifestyle", I figured snacks could only be things like an apple or a baggie of carrots.
Oh boooooooy, was I wrong. There are literally thousands of snack options; it's just about taking the time to plan them out, shop the right way, and control cravings.
I usually only have a snack between lunch and dinner during the summer, because I eat giant breakfasts (makes me feel better through the day). However, once I am back in school, snacks are a MUST.

If you're stuck or you're not sure where to start, always think of protein first. Certain protein bars (Quest bars, Nature Valley Greek Yogurt bars, etc) can be FANTASTIC snacks that are also delicious, so they suit your cravings (did I mention Quest has an apple pie bar? yeah, exactly). If you're not one for protein bars, there's always yogurt! I just recently got into greek yogurt, but if I am in a hurry, I stick to my favorite Danon Light & Fit yogurt cups! A few other of my latest & greatest snack ideas:

Any fruits (apples, bananas, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, etc.)
blueberries & pomegranate seeds 
Granola - try with almond butter or peanut butter and cinnamon!
Power bowls - for hungrier times. Includes a carb, a protein, and nutrients (fruit)
strawberries/blueberries/grapes & granola/greek yogurt
Crackers and dip (usually pita/multigrain crackers and hummus/red. fat cream cheese)
TJ pita crackers with baby bell peppers, salsa, and red.fat cream cheese
Also obsessed with tropical trail mix & light string cheese. A great mid-afternoon pick-me-up is also the fitness-famous BLENDICANO at Starbucks (click here if you haven't read my post on this extravagant drink that's less than 20 calories).
These are just a few ideas, but they should do the trick when your belly starts to rumble, yet you still have another hour and a half until dinner rolls around. 
So as tempting as it may be to reach for that Little Debbie brownie or pouch of barbecue chips, think of what good you'll do your body if you fuel it with the right types of food, so that when lunch time strikes, you have an appetite. 


If you missed my last post on girls who lift, click here - I promise you won't regret it. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Non-Scale Victories (Warning: Girly)

It's that time of year ... BACK TO SCHOOL *weeps uncontrollably*
We all know what that means - shopping upon shopping. Exciting, yet, terrifying...especially if you, like me, absolutely dread  trying on clothes.
Dressing rooms = a horror-producing, mood-depressing, stuffy, sweaty paradise. Can't you tell I adore them?
In my past, trying on clothes has never been a treat, for things never got past my big belly or my thunder thighs, squeezing my arms in all the wrong places and giving me back rolls. Can anyone relate? As much as I love fashion and all things glamour, finding the perfect fit has always been tough.
although, you'd think I have enough...
On our way home from vacation this past week, I had the opportunity to stop by my FAVORITE store in the entire universe: Forever 21. I knew I was in desperate need of clothes for my upcoming school year and internship at a State Attorney's Office (fancy fancy), but I also knew how much it would seriously suck to try on all the glorious outfits I had picked out.
However... once I was in the horrid dressing room lined by darling dresses and frilly tops, trying them on wasn't like any of the past nightmares I've experienced. Some dresses fit just how they should have, tops laying in all the right places, and pants actually getting past my thighs. But, why? And how?

This, my dear friends, is what we call a NON-SCALE VICTORY.
No, my scale hasn't dropped recently (mostly due to muscle building > losing weight), and I haven't been seeing any major changes in my body. But it's little things like these - simply noticing new clothes fitting better - that make your weight loss or health journeys that much more meaningful. You get a little confidence boost each time a non-scale victory happens. Maybe your jeans from high school fit again when you clean out your closet, or maybe you see an old picture of yourself and realize how different you look now. Whatever it may be, non-scale victories have a deeper meaning behind them: they show the progress you're making in a way that can't be expressed by a number on a scale.
So the next time you feel like you're not getting anywhere with your routines, or you've hit a plateau, always remember the small things in life.
That is all I have.

Look out for a big (& hopefully inspirational) post coming soon on girls who lift ;)

 cutest dress i've ever laid eyes on
 4 dresses, 4 shirts, 1 blazer...oops
my sister & I after shopping til we dropped

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Vacationing Without Guilt

So it's been a while since my last post, and that's for the single reason of VACATION. Between the packing, meal planning and last-minute intense workouts, fitting in time to blog has been tough. However, now that I am relaxing on the beach with my toes (and crispy back, oops) in the warm sand , I feel it's necessary to write about AVOIDING the guilt that comes from a week of unclean eating and lazy exercise.

Ohhhhhhh, vacation. Most of us look forward to it, and a few of us dread it as we fear gaining 20 pounds.
You won't gain 20 pounds in one week. Even if you ate McDonald's Big Mac's at every meal for 7 days, you won't blow up like a balloon all of the sudden (don't take my word completely, I haven't actually tried it).

Personally, because I worked my butt off for 5 months, I was deathly afraid of going one week without my typical nutritious foods and daily exercise routines. But now, as we are on day 3 of vacation, guess what? I still look and feel exactly the same.

It's all about control.  If you treat your body nicely, it will treat you nicely.

So now down to the real scheme - HOW?
First off, plan out your food. Yes, I KNOW it's impossible to know every little meal you'll have. Vacation means relaxation and trying new things, like that hoppin' restaurant on the boardwalk a few blocks down. You don't know what food they'll have, so don't even bother planning out every piece of food going into your mouth over the course of 7 days. That's why it's important to bring food you know will keep you on track most of the time. For example, my 3 younger siblings survive off of Pop Tarts and Dunkin' Donuts Munchkins for breakfast. So what do I bring? My favorite box of Special K cereal. Pizza and candy for lunch? That means protein bars and rice cakes in my hands. Here a few of the foods that I managed to bring along to curb my cravings:

Garden Vegetable Hummus with Reduced Fat Wheat Thins
Nature Valley Greek Yogurt Protein Bars
Lemon Meringue Pie Quest Protein Bars
Caramel Rice Cakes
Crystal Light Raspberry Green Tea

Yes - last night as we were downtown I had a Peppermint Stick ice cream with sprinkles. BIG WHOOP. It's not about depriving yourself; after all, you are on vacation. It's about controlling yourself. For dinner, I had a garden salad with grilled chicken. However, I did eat a few of the nachos my family ordered as an appetizer. Control will do wonders. 

Second off, it's good to take a break from exercise. But...if you're like me and think your muscles will melt after a week, plan out a few workouts for the week. For me, the beach is a prime place to go for a morning run. With the water by your side and the breeze in your hair, what could be better? For upper body strength, I brought along 10 pound weights and have done a few lifts here and there, remembering I'm on vacation and my body deserves a rest too. For lower body, I can always squat, lunge, or deadlift my sister (kidding, but good idea...). Staying active is the key here.

So overall, don't stress while away from home. I guarantee you will not have to be rolled back home from an overload of pizza and fries and ice cream and cotton candy. You will be fine. Relax and enjoy.

 Old Orchard Beach, ME
boogie-boardin with my sisters
 questies & crystal light
burnt-to-a-crisp legs


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mentality Controls Everything

Back again? Marveeeeeelous - because today's topic is a big one.

And of course, it's correlation with mentality.
Ohhhhhhh running...
Some people love it, others hate it. Then there's people like me who simply think they suck at it.
Newsflash - you can't suck at running. EVERYONE runs differently. Whether it's 9.0mph or 4.5mph, at least you're not lounging on the couch watching 4 seasons of a show on Netflix.

So, what about running? Well, here's my story; maybe it will inspire you.

I'm not a runner. Never have been, most likely never will be. Those days in gym class where we had to do suicides were torture. Or when we'd have to do a timed mile in personal fitness, and my stomach would twist into knots because I knew how slow I was. However, when I moved here to Vermont a couple of years ago, I decided to train in order to run a 5k (which never actually happened). I got up EVERY single morning and ran in my neighborhood. And yes - I still HATED it. I rather climb 50 flights of stairs than run.
Until I came to a realization...
Every little thing I do in my daily life is controlled by my mind. I stumbled upon this thought shortly after I completed an 8 mile run for the first time in my LIFE just the other day with a friend of mine. Lately, the max time I would run for would be 3 minutes, then I'd slow to a walk - all because I didn't think I could physically run for a long time.
KEY WORD THERE - *think*
Because I didn't think I could do it, I would trick my own body into being tired after 3 minutes of a light jog. I fooled myself to believe that 3 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking was all I could do.

Boy, was I wrong.

I pushed myself harder than I have ever pushed myself in the past as I was on that 8 mile run. As we started off with a light jog (my running buddy is a former cross country/track athlete), I was convinced that after a few minutes we could slow to a walk, and do intervals for about an hour, then we'd be done. L O L. We didn't slow until after our first mile or so, as we stopped to tie shoes. That first mile? Only a warm-up. The 3 hour time frame that evening consisted mainly of jogging, maybe 3/4 total miles of actual RUNNING, and about half a mile of walking.
The entire time, my body kept propelling forward. No, it wasn't failing me. I wasn't throwing up. I wasn't bleeding. My mental state controlled my entire run. When we would speed up or be forced to run uphill towards oncoming traffic, I would just focus on my steps rather than my tired feet or heavy lungs.

 my reaction after seeing how far we ran

I just kept going. 

Never, in my entire 16 years of life on this planet, ever thought I could run for that long, up hills, in public, at night, or with another person. And yet I did it: all because of my mental state. 
Yes, I felt like death afterwards, since my body isn't used to that. And yes, I plan to do it again soon.

Also - running on a treadmill is so much different than running outside, in the woods, or in public. On treadmills, you go NOWHERE; it's like you're running an endless path. But being outside, you have a goal- a place to be. Park your car and run from it...then you're forced to run back.

So here's the bottom line: you may think you can't do something, yet you so can. I didn't think I could run a mile; I ran 8. If you BELIEVE you can do it, and let your mind control your body, you can accomplish whatever you want.
Next time you're in the middle of a workout and you don't think you can do another rep or jog another minute, DO IT. I dare you. Because I guarentee you can.

Our minds control our lives. Live it how you choose.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Blendicano: Starbucks-Gone-Healthy

Why, hello there! For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you may have seen one of my recent pictures of a drink from Starbucks called "the blendicano". Lots of people were curious as to what it is; and for those who still are, well, here ya go.

*I take NO credit for creating this blendicano mixture. It is a drink created by one of my favorite fitness coaches/inspirations, Mshell (Michelle Bishop). To check out her AMAZINGNESS, click here.  It is the new rave on social media, just look up #blendicano on twitter/instagram and see for yourself.


What: the "blendicano" is a low-calorie/low-EVERYTHING (except caffeine, obvs) drink that resembles a frappachino. For lovers of Starbucks' famous frapps, this drink is definitely similar without the loads of sugar and fat. Personally, everytime I've gone to Starbucks, I've gotten a mocha cookie crumble frapp or a caramel crunch ribbon...until I realized how much CRAP is in them. YES, they are good once in a while. But for as often as I was getting them...yikes. So now, when I need an extra caffeine boost, here we are :)

Why: for those of us who adore coffee (although, i've been trying to curb my addiction...), this blendicano is the PERFECT waker-upper for anyone. Plus, it's way better than just your standard black coffee every morning. With 4 espresso shots and some caramelly-cinnamonny heaven, of course your day will automatically be better. And you won't get the sugary rush as you do from a frappachino.
No one is quite sure how many calories are in this drink, but the number is between 10-24 calories. So, yeah, I'd say it's pretty worth it.
Also, everytime I've ordered it it's been about $3.50 - a LOT cheaper than a frapp!

Most importantly...How: So here's where it gets iffy. It's a bit confusing to order. BUT DO NOT BE SCARED. I am a very shy person and I get uncomfortable when I know I am flustering people, so I try to avoid it all costs. And, you can to. Just. Be. Polite. Smile, and don't act impatient.

Say these EXACT words, in this order, and they'll understand you. Trust me.

Quad Espresso
Venti scoop of ice
2-4 (your choice) pumps of sugar free caramel OR vanilla syrup

For extra taste, add cinnamon and splenda :)

BAM. If you don't think you can handle 4 shots of espresso, you can always order triple espresso or double espresso instead and it's the same drink!
The baristas will most likely have confused looks on their faces. They will tell you it will be a weird consitency. They will tell you it needs a base (like they use for their frapps!). Don't worry, it will turn out right. The first time I tried it, I said yes to them adding a base. It tasted the same either way! It also may be pretty thick, but its supposed to be. Yet, above all else, it will be satisfying.

how the finished product should look
no set price, but typically $3.50

and there you have it.


Monday, July 28, 2014

PROTEIN: What, Why, and How?

Well hello again, lovlies! It is currently 65 degrees & raining here in good 'ole Vermont, which is perfect writing weather in my eyes.
First things first - a giant shoutout to anyone and everyone who checked out my first blog post. The turn out was AMAZING. So, thank you all. I hope you continue to follow me along. If you haven't seen it yet, click here.

Now down to the basics. Who likes PROTEEEEEIINN? This girl. But, why?

I know that when I used to hear this word, I didn't even think twice about what it was. Who cares? I associated it with those big muscly men and how they drink those weird, milky drinks (protein shakes), so of course I didn't look into it.


Protein is essential- FOR EVERYONE. I could always give you the straight-up definition of protein, but thats some long, wordy, scientific blab that I will condense. Proteins, in our cells, tissues, organs, muscles, etc, are constantly broken down and replaced. They are the building blocks for everything in our bodies. When we take protein in via food, it is digested into these awesome things called amino acids, which then replace these proteins in our bodies. And just in case you were wondering, there are 2 types: complete (provides ALL essential amino acids, like in meat, eggs, etc) and incomplete (provides ONE or some essential amino acids, like in beans or rice).
Recommended Dietary Allowance for Protein
Grams of protein
needed each day
Children ages 1 – 313
Children ages 4 – 819
Children ages 9 – 1334
Girls ages 14 – 1846
Boys ages 14 – 1852
Women ages 19 – 70+46
Men ages 19 – 70+56

But only those bodybuilder dudes need protein, right?

WRONG. We all need it. And protein is in almost everything, so, don't worry; a lot of us are taking in protein without even realizing it. Protein is associated with these stereotypical muscle-men (AND WOMEN!) only because muscles are fueled by protein, so these athletes inhale protein on the daily through meat, eggs, peanut butter, and protein shakes.

Yes, I drink protein shakes and eat protein bars. No, I do not look like Serena Williams, and neither will you if you increase your protein intake. By doing so, you'll feel more energized, and your muscles will recover quicker if you do any type of exercise. SO WHY NOT.

And now for Lyndsey's help: as a girl who doesn't eat meat (not labeled as a vegetarian, I've just never liked meat), getting enough protein can be very challenging. But no fear; GOOD FOODS are here :)
Since I don't want to give away all of my secrets in one post, these are just a few of my favorites...

                               Egg whites with salsa and spinach. YUM.

Smoothies: mixed fruit, vanilla greek yogurt, ice, almond milk, peanut butter

Quest Bars: OH MY HEAVENS. I'm usually not the biggest fan of protein bars because they are so processed and contain many unnatural ingredients, but Quest Bars are a life saver. They are the most natural protein bars on the market; they are LOW carbs and sugar, with high fiber and 20g of protein. Also, they are the most delicious snacks ever. Apple Pie is (obviously) my favorite- no joke, these things are REAL. 

Also unpictured- veggie burgers. Loaded with protein, and super delish. My new favorite dinners.

So although those are only a few, there are literally HUNDREDS of foods out there packed with protein. If you want some more ideas, click here.

Hope you all enjoyed my point of view on this new trend; it's definitely a BIG topic that is still being studied. For any questions, the comment section is open for everyone!

Until next time...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Numero Uno: What's to Come?

Hello, world! Welcome to this wonderful world of food, exercise, and happiness.

SO here's the deal: My name is Lyndsey Clos and I have been on this crazy planet for 16 years. I live in a small town in Vermont (where's that?), aka health capital of the US. I have a large family, including my madre, my padre, 2 sisters, a brother, and 1 hermit crab. I have lived in a multitude of places, such as NH, IN, KY, and OH. I'm going into my senior year of high school and I am ECSTATIC to go off to college next fall.

But...why did I create this blog? Who cares?

Just less than 2 years ago, I was almost 200 pounds, brownies were part of my everyday meals, and physical activity was absolutely unheard of in my daily routine. I was constantly uncomfortable in my clothes and hated gym class/sweating.
But today?
I'm happy to say that I have completely turned my life around. I now live off of endorphins, strawberries, and sweat. I work at The Edge, a local gym/health facility, and I am currently studying for my personal training certification (for my senior project at my school). I also teach a yoga class every week at an elderly home because I adore spreading my passion with others (you guys, these old people are SO CUTE).

And yes. I am only 16.
So if I can do it, so can you.

I am NO genius in this area of health and fitness. Everything I've learned thus far has been from personal experiences, fitness trainers at my gym (Rachel Rubin is AMAZING), fitness coaches on social media, and blogs just like this. Every single day I learn something new and I am so thankful for all of the marvelous mentors I have in my life.

So that's why I am here - to give back and help others through what has helped me so tremendously. Like I said, I love spreading my passion for these things with people. And with social media these days, it is so easy to find great recipes and do-able workout routines.

This blog will mainly consist of my favorite food combinations that I have found or discovered, as well as exercise tips and workouts. I am "on a budget" because healthy food is obnoxiously expensive, as is a gym membership; therefore, I find the cheapest ways to eat and exercise (while still being healthy).

Food is meant to be ENJOYED, not neglected or scarfed down. It took me years to figure this out, and I am so glad I did. And exercise? It's not only to lose weight. It's to keep our hearts and minds happy.

I hope you all enjoy what's to come and join me on this crazy, tough, life-changing journey.


one of my favorite snacks: pomegranate seeds/blueberries
helllllo energy!