Monday, July 28, 2014

PROTEIN: What, Why, and How?

Well hello again, lovlies! It is currently 65 degrees & raining here in good 'ole Vermont, which is perfect writing weather in my eyes.
First things first - a giant shoutout to anyone and everyone who checked out my first blog post. The turn out was AMAZING. So, thank you all. I hope you continue to follow me along. If you haven't seen it yet, click here.

Now down to the basics. Who likes PROTEEEEEIINN? This girl. But, why?

I know that when I used to hear this word, I didn't even think twice about what it was. Who cares? I associated it with those big muscly men and how they drink those weird, milky drinks (protein shakes), so of course I didn't look into it.


Protein is essential- FOR EVERYONE. I could always give you the straight-up definition of protein, but thats some long, wordy, scientific blab that I will condense. Proteins, in our cells, tissues, organs, muscles, etc, are constantly broken down and replaced. They are the building blocks for everything in our bodies. When we take protein in via food, it is digested into these awesome things called amino acids, which then replace these proteins in our bodies. And just in case you were wondering, there are 2 types: complete (provides ALL essential amino acids, like in meat, eggs, etc) and incomplete (provides ONE or some essential amino acids, like in beans or rice).
Recommended Dietary Allowance for Protein
Grams of protein
needed each day
Children ages 1 – 313
Children ages 4 – 819
Children ages 9 – 1334
Girls ages 14 – 1846
Boys ages 14 – 1852
Women ages 19 – 70+46
Men ages 19 – 70+56

But only those bodybuilder dudes need protein, right?

WRONG. We all need it. And protein is in almost everything, so, don't worry; a lot of us are taking in protein without even realizing it. Protein is associated with these stereotypical muscle-men (AND WOMEN!) only because muscles are fueled by protein, so these athletes inhale protein on the daily through meat, eggs, peanut butter, and protein shakes.

Yes, I drink protein shakes and eat protein bars. No, I do not look like Serena Williams, and neither will you if you increase your protein intake. By doing so, you'll feel more energized, and your muscles will recover quicker if you do any type of exercise. SO WHY NOT.

And now for Lyndsey's help: as a girl who doesn't eat meat (not labeled as a vegetarian, I've just never liked meat), getting enough protein can be very challenging. But no fear; GOOD FOODS are here :)
Since I don't want to give away all of my secrets in one post, these are just a few of my favorites...

                               Egg whites with salsa and spinach. YUM.

Smoothies: mixed fruit, vanilla greek yogurt, ice, almond milk, peanut butter

Quest Bars: OH MY HEAVENS. I'm usually not the biggest fan of protein bars because they are so processed and contain many unnatural ingredients, but Quest Bars are a life saver. They are the most natural protein bars on the market; they are LOW carbs and sugar, with high fiber and 20g of protein. Also, they are the most delicious snacks ever. Apple Pie is (obviously) my favorite- no joke, these things are REAL. 

Also unpictured- veggie burgers. Loaded with protein, and super delish. My new favorite dinners.

So although those are only a few, there are literally HUNDREDS of foods out there packed with protein. If you want some more ideas, click here.

Hope you all enjoyed my point of view on this new trend; it's definitely a BIG topic that is still being studied. For any questions, the comment section is open for everyone!

Until next time...

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thank you for your thoughts! -lyndsey