Monday, September 22, 2014

Meal-Prep Monday!

Today's topic is brought to you by STRESS, FOOD, and TIME. So, welcome back and prepare yourselves (uh oh - already starting out with a pun Lyndsey? you betcha)...

As I have been forced into the wonderful world of what we call "school", I've had virtually no time to just relax, let alone think about my food for the next day (eeeeeeeep!). Don't get me wrong - I've been eating semi-healthy and still pumping iron daily, but my meals certainly could be better. My schedule is school, gym, homework, sleep. Gross, right?

That's why I discovered #mealprepmonday (apparently, a very popular hashtag). Now technically I meal-prepped on Sunday, but, ya know, you do you. I stalked Pinterest boards and Instgram foodies for ideas, hauled my butt to the store (Trader Joe's is my cocaine), and forced myself to plan out every meal for this upcoming week. Overall, I spent about 2 hours doing all of this, which, in my eyes, is completely worth the outcome I will get.

So, why meal prep? How do you meal prep? What's the point?
Well, I'll tell ya the point. Because I prepared all of my foods for this week, I don't have to frantically rush around my school cafeteria when I realize my avacado panini's are all gone, or that my favorite greek yogurt has been discontinued. All of my foods are in containers or baggies, and I know exactly what I will be eating and when. I planned out each food group in order to hit my protein needs each day. Foods are taken from each food group.

This first week is a test for me - I am NO expert on how to do this, nor do I want you guys to follow my plan exactly, since I am only trying it out. Let me just show you some of my splendid ideas...

veggie bowls: peppers, carrots, green beans, mixed vegetables
fruits: grapes & apples & bananas
carbs: potatoes, trail mix, blue corn tortilla chips 
protein: greek yogurt, questies, kashi protein cereal

Now, I am assured that I will be hitting my macros and micros for each day since I have all of my food prepped. These are only lunches - my breakfast is usually a waffle with almond butter or eggs, and my dinners are always protein shakes and a lean cuisine or whatever my mother cooks. All together, this wasn't too expensive or time consuming! All of these products are from Trader Joe's or Hannaford, with the exception of my Quest bars from the Vitamin Shoppe. Speaking of which...
getting new proteins will always excite me
these are taken post-workout (5 days a week)

I encourage you all to try this method. Get out all of your containers and pull out some baggies. What could go wrong? Test it out for a week with me. I plan to update you guys on how it goes sometime in the near future! 

A few of my faves: TJ almond butter, Kashi Go Lean Crisp, Organic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips

Eat up! I'll be back soon, I promise...


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Snack Time Munchies

If any of you are like me, a simple 3 meals per day will certainly not satisfy your bellies. In fact, even certain researchers say that eating 5 meals a day (3 full meals + 2 snacks) is the most beneficial for our bodies.

But here's the problem - snack foods. When I was a kid, I used to think of "snacks" as being Lay's Potato Chips with a packet of Welch's Fruit Snacks and a snack size pack of Oreo's. Little did I realize how much these simple "snacks" were destroying my body; snacks are meant to be a mid-morning or mid-afternoon pick me up - they are not meant to make you feel as if you just ate a whole meal off of the buffet at Golden Corral. Snacks are really just meant to tie you over until that next meal.
Now, wait one second. I am certainly not trying to tell anyone how to eat or what to eat here. This is just a life-lesson that I have learned the hard way, as I didn't listen to what my mother would tell me and I thought my food choices were fine. They weren't. My posts are only for those who went/are going through the same situations, for I want to give my perspective on these types of things. Trust me - I know we all get those midnight cravings for Ben & Jerry's or a box of Cheez-It's; and even if you do indulge yourself in that, there's no shame. We all have slip-ups. We're all human (unless you're Scott from Teen Wolf...).

So, what is a snack in my eyes? When I first started transitioning into my new "healthy lifestyle", I figured snacks could only be things like an apple or a baggie of carrots.
Oh boooooooy, was I wrong. There are literally thousands of snack options; it's just about taking the time to plan them out, shop the right way, and control cravings.
I usually only have a snack between lunch and dinner during the summer, because I eat giant breakfasts (makes me feel better through the day). However, once I am back in school, snacks are a MUST.

If you're stuck or you're not sure where to start, always think of protein first. Certain protein bars (Quest bars, Nature Valley Greek Yogurt bars, etc) can be FANTASTIC snacks that are also delicious, so they suit your cravings (did I mention Quest has an apple pie bar? yeah, exactly). If you're not one for protein bars, there's always yogurt! I just recently got into greek yogurt, but if I am in a hurry, I stick to my favorite Danon Light & Fit yogurt cups! A few other of my latest & greatest snack ideas:

Any fruits (apples, bananas, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, etc.)
blueberries & pomegranate seeds 
Granola - try with almond butter or peanut butter and cinnamon!
Power bowls - for hungrier times. Includes a carb, a protein, and nutrients (fruit)
strawberries/blueberries/grapes & granola/greek yogurt
Crackers and dip (usually pita/multigrain crackers and hummus/red. fat cream cheese)
TJ pita crackers with baby bell peppers, salsa, and red.fat cream cheese
Also obsessed with tropical trail mix & light string cheese. A great mid-afternoon pick-me-up is also the fitness-famous BLENDICANO at Starbucks (click here if you haven't read my post on this extravagant drink that's less than 20 calories).
These are just a few ideas, but they should do the trick when your belly starts to rumble, yet you still have another hour and a half until dinner rolls around. 
So as tempting as it may be to reach for that Little Debbie brownie or pouch of barbecue chips, think of what good you'll do your body if you fuel it with the right types of food, so that when lunch time strikes, you have an appetite. 


If you missed my last post on girls who lift, click here - I promise you won't regret it.