Monday, October 27, 2014

Thunder Thighs: Fame vs. Shame *Includes Workout Routine

Hello my lovlies. Let me just start off by saying that if you're a guy and you're reading this, prepare to either be really shocked by everything I'm about to say. In case anyone hasn't noticed, I am not you're typical girl; and, in this context, I am not a supporter of the trendy "thigh gap". Powerful legs are HOT, ladies. So prepare yourselves - leg day, here we come.

When I first started my fitness routine a couple years back, I was the typical girl and I did the circuit machines for legs every other day. Thinking that I would have slim, toned legs, I just stuck with doing some leg extensions and donkey kicks in order to have "good legs". LOL. No. If that's you, which is very common so don't be ashamed (I've been there..), please do yourself a favor and hear me out on this topic, even if you disagree with my opinion. It saddens me to see all of these girls just doing the same lower body workout everyday, afraid of getting "bulky" legs. Get this - there is no such thing as "bulky legs" in the mind of fitness junkies. Bulky is STRONG. "Toned" legs? What is toned?! The photo-shopped legs of Kate Hudson on the cover of some magazine? The word tone needs to die. The fact that women are too afraid to use the word "muscular" to describe their goals is so depressing. "Toned" is simply a marketing ploy. I recently read a fabulous article on this topic, so click here to see what I'm talking about.
Good, glad you've now reset your goals if they included the word "toned". Now, onto bigger things.

As I've matured and luckily learned to actually have a "leg day", it's honestly my favorite thing in the entire universe. The pulsing after that last deadlift or the jello-y feeling post-squat is what I thrive for every week. Because I only have 1-2 leg days a week, I hit it HARD every time I'm in that gym.
today, tomorrow, and the day after = paralyzed
After seeing progress and definition in my quads, hamstrings, and of course booty, I've become addicted to the gains. No, in my mind, my legs aren't huge sumo-legs. No, they don't weigh 200 pounds each. I am building them up to be strong, explosive, and able to round-house kick any man who tries to steal my purse in the future. My favorite leg-spiration is Brittany Dawn. Take a look.
follow her on instagram & be amazed 
So have I convinced you yet? Simply doing air squats and walking lunges won't get you far, sweetie. 
Here's my typical leg day: it gets switched up, but here are my favorite exercises!

*you want a butt? then squat. and squat heavy. 
Stiff-leg dead lifts with dumbells or barbell 
*target those hamstrings, girlies! be sure to use proper form so you don't hurt your back!
Quad & Hamstring Extensions (usually machines)
Abductors & Adductors (usually machine)

Weighted lunges with JUMP SQUATS *superset!
Explosive leg press *go deep and go heavy 

There are tons more that you can do for sexy legs, but those are just a few of my favorites! As I said, it saddens me to see big thighs being shamed these days. Ladies, big thighs attract guys. So toughen up and get yo booty to the weights. You won't regret it when you start to see the results! Contact me via any social media link to the right for tips or help :)

Stay golden, 

your own homegirl crushin the squat rack 

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thank you for your thoughts! -lyndsey