Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mentality Controls Everything

Back again? Marveeeeeelous - because today's topic is a big one.

And of course, it's correlation with mentality.
Ohhhhhhh running...
Some people love it, others hate it. Then there's people like me who simply think they suck at it.
Newsflash - you can't suck at running. EVERYONE runs differently. Whether it's 9.0mph or 4.5mph, at least you're not lounging on the couch watching 4 seasons of a show on Netflix.

So, what about running? Well, here's my story; maybe it will inspire you.

I'm not a runner. Never have been, most likely never will be. Those days in gym class where we had to do suicides were torture. Or when we'd have to do a timed mile in personal fitness, and my stomach would twist into knots because I knew how slow I was. However, when I moved here to Vermont a couple of years ago, I decided to train in order to run a 5k (which never actually happened). I got up EVERY single morning and ran in my neighborhood. And yes - I still HATED it. I rather climb 50 flights of stairs than run.
Until I came to a realization...
Every little thing I do in my daily life is controlled by my mind. I stumbled upon this thought shortly after I completed an 8 mile run for the first time in my LIFE just the other day with a friend of mine. Lately, the max time I would run for would be 3 minutes, then I'd slow to a walk - all because I didn't think I could physically run for a long time.
KEY WORD THERE - *think*
Because I didn't think I could do it, I would trick my own body into being tired after 3 minutes of a light jog. I fooled myself to believe that 3 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking was all I could do.

Boy, was I wrong.

I pushed myself harder than I have ever pushed myself in the past as I was on that 8 mile run. As we started off with a light jog (my running buddy is a former cross country/track athlete), I was convinced that after a few minutes we could slow to a walk, and do intervals for about an hour, then we'd be done. L O L. We didn't slow until after our first mile or so, as we stopped to tie shoes. That first mile? Only a warm-up. The 3 hour time frame that evening consisted mainly of jogging, maybe 3/4 total miles of actual RUNNING, and about half a mile of walking.
The entire time, my body kept propelling forward. No, it wasn't failing me. I wasn't throwing up. I wasn't bleeding. My mental state controlled my entire run. When we would speed up or be forced to run uphill towards oncoming traffic, I would just focus on my steps rather than my tired feet or heavy lungs.

 my reaction after seeing how far we ran

I just kept going. 

Never, in my entire 16 years of life on this planet, ever thought I could run for that long, up hills, in public, at night, or with another person. And yet I did it: all because of my mental state. 
Yes, I felt like death afterwards, since my body isn't used to that. And yes, I plan to do it again soon.

Also - running on a treadmill is so much different than running outside, in the woods, or in public. On treadmills, you go NOWHERE; it's like you're running an endless path. But being outside, you have a goal- a place to be. Park your car and run from it...then you're forced to run back.

So here's the bottom line: you may think you can't do something, yet you so can. I didn't think I could run a mile; I ran 8. If you BELIEVE you can do it, and let your mind control your body, you can accomplish whatever you want.
Next time you're in the middle of a workout and you don't think you can do another rep or jog another minute, DO IT. I dare you. Because I guarentee you can.

Our minds control our lives. Live it how you choose.


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thank you for your thoughts! -lyndsey